Refer into Cosy Homes

Across Lancashire there are levels of Fuel Poverty above the national average

On average 592 people die needlessly because of the cold and the cost to the NHS of people living in a cold home in just the 1st year of treatment is £848m. 

But there is something you can do to make a difference to the patients or clients you visit. If their home feels cold to you or you have to keep your coat on during your visit then please take the time to refer into Cosy Homes.

If your patient or client is only keeping one room warm ready for your visit or they seem to be constantly complaining of a respiratory problem such as cough or a cold then please refer them to Cosy Homes in Lancashire.

Across Lancashire there are levels of Fuel Poverty above the national average (10.4%) and 3 of the districts have levels above 14%.

If they always seem to be visiting their GP or being admitted to hospital because of their health condition - then their home could be exacerbating their already poor health. Refer them into Cosy Homes.

Conditions that can be made worse by living in a cold damp home include all circulatory and respiratory disorders such as COPD, Asthma and high blood pressure. A cold home can also affect people recovering from or living with heart attack or stroke, cancer or arthritis as well as anyone with a mobility problem. 

Living in a cold home can also lead to poor mental health and feelings of depression and isolation. It can also affect children's educational attainment.

Cosy Homes in Lancashire is supported by all the Directors of Public Health across Lancashire as a way of addressing cold related health conditions.